If you’re in need of pest control in North Lanarkshire, contact ALMAC Pest Services. Our North Lanarkshire pest control technicians are accredited and experienced professionals. We’re members of the National Pest Technicians Association, and our free service is available to residents in public parks and open spaces in the city. To learn more about our pest control services, download our free app. You can customize it to suit your preferences.
ALMAC Pest Services is a professional accredited and experienced pest control company in North Lanarkshire
ALMAC Pest Services is a privately owned and operated company based in Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire. The company is owned by Alan McAree, a pest control expert with over 30 years of industry experience. He holds relevant qualifications from the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) and the British Pest Control Association (BPCA). ALMAC is a member of the BASIS PROMPT pest controller register.
We offer a free pest control service to residents
A council in Scotland is proposing to abolish call-out fees pest control north lanarkshire for mice and rats after a number of communities reported an increase in rodent problems. Labour group members are proposing the change in policy at a virtual council meeting later this month. This move comes in the wake of a recent rise in rodent problems across the county, which the opposition has highlighted. The council’s decision to reduce general waste collections was cited as a contributing factor.
We are a member of the National Pest Technicians Association
As a certified pest control technician, you know that your job is more than just dealing with insects. The National Pest Technicians Association (NPTA) provides education, advocacy and support for the industry. In addition to its local chapters, the NPMA also works with state legislatures and regulatory agencies to ensure the industry’s interests are represented and given the appropriate attention. These benefits, combined with NPTA membership, make the NPTA membership fee worth it.
We offer a free pest control service to residents in Glasgow’s parks and open spaces
If you live in a park or open space in Glasgow, you are at risk of having problems with mosquitoes, ants, or termites. While we can’t guarantee complete protection from all kinds of pests, we can help you eliminate problems with a professional pest control service. Our pest control services are available throughout Glasgow, so you can be assured that you’re getting the best service possible.
We offer rat removal from Glasgow’s parks and open spaces
Despite the city’s booming economy, a number of problems persist, and a rat infestation in Glasgow is one of the most common. Rats are particularly prone to open spaces in the city, such as parks, where the temperature often rises above 20°C. The problem has been an ongoing concern for the city’s Conservative group leader, Thomas Kerr, for months, but the council leader has resisted attempts to address the rat infestation.