Whether you are planning to renew your real estate license or are an active licensee, there are several things you need to know. Most states have a specific list of requirements for a real estate license renewal, including fees and course credits. In the state of California, for example, you can renew your license online through the Department of Real Estate’s eLicensing system. If you need help with this process, you can contact customer service.
In most states, you are required to complete a license renewal application. This is usually accompanied by payment of the appropriate fees to the Real Estate Commission. You must also complete a criminal background check. If you are a new real estate licensee, you will also be required to pass a state written exam. In some states, there is also a pre-licensing course you can take prior to taking the exam.
Another requirement is taking a certain number of continuing education credits. This is different for each state. In California, for example, you are required to take at least 45 hours of continuing education classes in a two-year period. The number of hours you will need will vary depending on your license type. Generally, you will be required to take at least six classes, but you can duplicate classes. For example, you may be required to take a class on discrimination in the sale of real property. You also may be required to take a class on ethical business practices.
Taking the proper real estate license renewal classes may be a bit difficult, but completing the required education is the first step to re-activating your license. The real estate industry is a regulated one, and the Division of Real Estate is responsible for ensuring that standards are met and that licensees are evaluated according to industry best practices. Taking the appropriate courses is a good way to ensure that you are prepared for the state exam.
The real estate license renewal process also includes paying the appropriate fees to the state, which varies depending on the type of license you hold. You can also use the eAccessNY portal to renew your license. The portal requires you to enter information such as your name and address. You may also need to update your broker’s facility information. Incorrect information may need to be corrected before you can begin your online renewal. You will also need to provide proof that you have taken the Real Estate License Renewal proper real estate classes to qualify for your renewal. If you fail to do this, you may be subject to late penalties and additional fees.
In addition to the required coursework, you may also be required to complete a criminal background check. If you have not completed this requirement, you may be relegated to inactive status and will be barred from real estate activities. In some cases, you will be able to work in real estate without having to complete this requirement, but you will not be able to receive referral fees from active licensed agents.